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Evto Bricks Restoration Ltd

What are the Various Brick Cleaning Methods Employed by Professionals?



Brick structures exude a timeless charm and elegance, but over time, they can become dull and weathered due to the accumulation of dirt, grime, moss, and other contaminants. Professional brick cleaning services employ a range of effective cleaning methods to restore the original beauty and prolong the life of brickwork. In this article, we will explore the various techniques professionals use to clean and rejuvenate bricks, ensuring their optimal condition and enhancing the overall appearance of buildings.


The Importance of Proper Brick Cleaning

Brick cleaning is not merely an aesthetic endeavour; it is vital for the maintenance and preservation of the brickwork. Regular cleaning helps to remove dirt, algae, and other pollutants that can degrade the brick surface. By keeping the bricks clean, you not only enhance the curb appeal of your property but also protect the structural integrity of the building. Neglecting brick cleaning can lead to long-term damage, such as deteriorated mortar, weakened bricks, and compromised waterproofing.


Method 1: Water Washing

One of the simplest and gentlest methods employed by professionals is water washing. This technique involves using a pressure washer or a hose with an appropriate nozzle to apply a controlled stream of water onto the brick surface. Water washing effectively removes mild dirt, dust, and surface stains. It is suitable for brickwork that does not have extensive staining or embedded contaminants.


Method 2: Chemical Cleaning

Chemical cleaning is a practical approach for tackling more stubborn stains, discolouration, and deeply ingrained dirt. Professionals use specially formulated brick cleaners that are safe and effective for brick surfaces. These cleaners are applied to the bricks, allowed to dwell for a specific period, and then thoroughly rinsed off. Chemical cleaning can effectively remove grease, oil, paint, efflorescence, and other stubborn stains, restoring the bricks to their original appearance.


Method 3: Abrasive Cleaning

Abrasive cleaning is employed when bricks have tough deposits or mortar smears that cannot be easily removed by water or chemical cleaning alone. Professionals use abrasive cleaning methods such as sandblasting or abrasive blasting to remove stubborn contaminants. Sandblasting involves propelling a high-pressure stream of sand or similar abrasive material against the brick surface to dislodge the deposits mechanically. Hiring experienced professionals for abrasive cleaning is essential to ensure that the bricks are not damaged.


Method 4: Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is a versatile and environmentally friendly method used for delicate brick surfaces or areas where water or chemicals may not be suitable. It involves using hot, pressurised steam to loosen and remove dirt, grime, and stains from the bricks. Steam cleaning is gentle on the bricks and can effectively clean without causing any damage. It is particularly useful for historical or fragile brickwork that requires extra care.


Method 5: Acid Cleaning

Acid cleaning is reserved for severe staining or discolouration issues on bricks. It involves using a diluted acid solution, such as hydrochloric acid, which is carefully applied to the bricks and then rinsed off thoroughly. Acid cleaning should only be performed by professionals due to the potential hazards involved, and proper safety measures must be followed. This method can effectively remove deep stains and restore the bricks' original appearance.


Cleaning and Repairing Bricks

Apart from cleaning, professionals also address brick repair during the cleaning process. They carefully inspect the bricks for cracks, damaged mortar, or any other signs of deterioration. Repairs may include repointing, where damaged mortar joints are replaced, or replacing damaged bricks. By addressing these issues during the cleaning process, professionals ensure the bricks' long-term health and structural integrity.


During the inspection phase, professionals thoroughly examine the brickwork to identify any areas that require repair. Cracks in brick or mortar joints can allow moisture to penetrate the structure, leading to further damage and potential structural issues. By promptly identifying and addressing these issues, professionals can prevent further deterioration and maintain the structural stability of the building.


Repointing is a common repair technique used to restore the strength and integrity of mortar joints. During this process, damaged or deteriorated mortar is carefully removed and replaced with fresh mortar. Repointing not only enhances the appearance of the brickwork but also ensures that the bricks are securely held together, protecting against moisture infiltration and potential structural damage.


In cases where bricks are severely damaged or beyond repair, professionals may recommend brick replacement. This involves carefully removing the damaged bricks and replacing them with new ones that match the existing style and colour. Brick replacement improves the structure's aesthetics and restores its structural stability.


Maintenance Tips for Prolonging the Life of Bricks

Proper maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and beauty of brickwork. Here are some tips to help you maintain your bricks:


Regular Cleaning: Schedule regular brick cleaning to remove dirt, moss, and other contaminants. This will prevent them from becoming deeply embedded and causing long-term damage.


Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Use mild detergents or specifically formulated brick cleaners when cleaning bricks yourself. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the surface of the bricks.


Inspect for Damage: Inspect the bricks for cracks, spalling, or mortar deterioration. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.


Maintain Proper Drainage: Ensure the surrounding landscape allows proper drainage, preventing water from pooling around the brickwork.


Sealant Application: Consider applying a breathable brick sealant to provide extra protection against moisture and staining. Consult with professionals to choose the appropriate sealant for your specific brick type.


Professional Maintenance: Periodically enlist the services of professional brick cleaners for deep cleaning and thorough inspection of the brickwork. They have the expertise to identify and address any underlying issues before they escalate.

Preserving the Beauty and Integrity of Bricks through Professional Cleaning


In conclusion, professional brick cleaning methods offer a range of techniques to clean and restore the beauty of brickwork effectively. Water washing, chemical cleaning, abrasive cleaning, steam cleaning, and acid cleaning are all employed based on the specific needs of the brickwork. These methods, combined with diligent maintenance and repair, help prolong the life of bricks and maintain their structural integrity.


By entrusting the cleaning and maintenance of your bricks to professionals, you ensure that the job is done with expertise and care. Professionals have the knowledge, experience, and tools to effectively clean and repair bricks, addressing any underlying issues and preserving the long-term health of the structure.


Regular brick cleaning, along with proper maintenance practices, not only enhances the appearance of your property but also protects your investment. With professional brick cleaning services, you can enjoy your brickwork's timeless beauty and durability for years to come. So, don't hesitate to seek the expertise of professionals to keep your bricks looking their best.

© Evto Bricks Restoration

The Importance of Regular Brick Maintenance: Tips for Cleaning and Repairing Your Home's Exterior


Brick is a popular and durable building material that can last for centuries. However, like any other material, it requires regular maintenance to keep it looking its best. Neglecting the upkeep of your brickwork can lead to a range of problems, including structural damage, water penetration, and unsightly stains. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of regular brick maintenance and provide tips for cleaning and repairing your home's exterior


Why Regular Brick Maintenance is Important


Brick is a porous material that can absorb water, which can lead to a range of problems. If water is allowed to penetrate the brick, it can cause the material to weaken and become prone to cracking and crumbling. This can lead to serious structural damage to your home, which can be expensive to repair. In addition to structural damage, water penetration can lead to unsightly stains on your brickwork, which can detract from the appearance of your home.


Regular brick maintenance can help prevent these problems by keeping your brickwork in good condition. This includes regular cleaning, repair of any damage, and sealing to prevent water penetration.


Cleaning Your Brickwork

Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining the appearance of your brickwork. Over time, dirt, grime, and other debris can accumulate on the surface of your bricks, making them look dull and dirty. Remove any loose dirt and debris with a soft-bristled brush or broom to clean your brickwork.


Next, mix a water solution and a mild detergent or brick cleaner. Apply the solution to your brickwork using a soft-bristled brush or a pressure washer. Using a pressure washer, use a low-pressure setting to avoid damaging the brick. Rinse your brickwork thoroughly with clean water and allow it to dry completely.


Repairing Brick Damage

Brickwork can become damaged over time due to various factors, including weather, age, and impact. Cracks, chips, and other forms of damage can weaken the structural integrity of your brickwork, which can lead to serious problems if addressed.


If you notice any damage to your brickwork, it's important to address it immediately. A mortar repair kit or brick filler can repair small cracks and chips. For more serious damage, replacing individual bricks or sections of brickwork may be necessary.


Sealing Your Brickwork

Sealing your brickwork can help prevent water penetration and protect your brickwork from stains and other damage. A range of brick sealers is available, including penetrating and surface sealers.


Penetrating sealers are absorbed into the brick, providing long-lasting protection against water penetration. Surface sealers, on the other hand, create a protective barrier on the surface of the brick. Both types of sealers can be effective, depending on your needs and the condition of your brickwork.


Signs Your Brickwork Needs Maintenance


It's important to watch for any signs that your brickwork may need maintenance. Some common signs include:

  • Cracks or chips in the brickwork
  • Loose or missing mortar
  • Water stains on the brickwork
  • Efflorescence (a white powdery substance on the surface of the brick)
  • Fading or discolouration of the brickwork
  • Vegetation growing on or near the brickwork
  • If you notice any of these signs, addressing the problem is important before it becomes more serious.


DIY vs Professional Brick Maintenance


While some aspects of brick maintenance, such as cleaning and minor repairs, can be done as a DIY project, more complex jobs may require the help of a professional. A professional brickwork contractor has the expertise and equipment to safely and effectively address more serious problems, such as structural damage.


Before undertaking any brick maintenance project, it's important to assess your skills and experience, as well as the scope of the job. If you need more clarification about your ability to safely and effectively complete the project, consulting with a professional is always best.


Preventative Measures for Brick Maintenance

In addition to regular cleaning and repair, there are some preventative measures you can take to help maintain the condition of your brickwork. These include:


  • Keeping vegetation away from the brickwork, as plants can cause moisture buildup and damage


  • Installing gutters and downspouts to divert water away from the brickwork

  • Avoiding the use of harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on the brickwork, as these can cause damage

  • Regularly inspecting your brickwork for signs of damage or wear

  • By taking these preventative measures, you can help prolong the life of your brickwork and reduce the need for more serious maintenance in the future.


Common Cleaning Techniques for Brickwork

Cleaning your brickwork is essential to regular maintenance, as it can help remove dirt, grime, and other buildup that can cause damage over time. Several common techniques can be used to clean brickwork, including:

Pressure washing: This involves using a high-pressure water spray to remove dirt and buildup from the surface of the brick. However, it's important to use the appropriate pressure setting to avoid causing damage to the brickwork.

Chemical cleaning: This involves using a chemical solution to dissolve buildup on the surface of the brick. However, it's important to use the appropriate chemicals and follow safety guidelines to avoid damage to the brickwork or harm to yourself.

Manual cleaning involves using a brush or scrubbing tool to remove buildup from the brick's surface manually. This process can be time-consuming, but it's often the safest and most effective option for delicate or historic brickwork.

Before selecting a cleaning technique, it's important to assess the condition of your brickwork and choose the most appropriate method for your specific situation.

Repairing Cracks and Chips in Brickwork

Over time, it's common for brickwork to develop cracks or chips that can compromise the wall's structural integrity. These issues should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Some common techniques for repairing cracks and chips in brickwork include:

Tuckpointing involves removing the damaged mortar and replacing it with new mortar to strengthen the wall.

Patching involves using a mortar mix to fill in cracks or chips in the brickwork.

Brick replacement: In cases where a brick is severely damaged, it may need to be replaced entirely.

When undertaking repairs, it's important to use the appropriate materials and follow safety guidelines to ensure the job is done safely and effectively.

Hiring a Professional Brick Maintenance Contractor

If you need more clarification about your ability to safely and effectively complete brick maintenance tasks independently, it's always best to consult a professional. A professional brick maintenance contractor has the expertise and equipment to tackle complex jobs like structural repairs or historic restoration projects.

When hiring a professional, it's important to research and choose a contractor with a proven track record of success. You should also ask for references and ensure the contractor is licensed and insured.

Regular brick maintenance is important to keeping your home's exterior in good condition. By cleaning your brickwork, repairing any damage, and taking preventative measures, you can help prolong the life of your brickwork and reduce the need for more serious maintenance in the future. Whether you're tackling a DIY project or seeking the help of a professional, it's important to prioritize the maintenance of your brickwork to ensure the longevity and structural integrity of your home.

© Evto Bricks Restoration Ltd

Five Brick Painting Tips You Should Always Stick To




Painting the bricks can be the perfect way to spruce up the exterior of your house, allowing you to enjoy the stylish looks of your home for years ahead. But unlike taking care of a painting job inside your place, painting bricks is more challenging than you think. As many things can go wrong with the project, you need to keep in mind a few useful tips for a DIY job well-done.


Here are Some Painting Tips You Should Always Stick To

Avoid painting new bricks

Freshly installed bricks usually hold onto a powdery substance that will ruin your painting project. For that reason, you shouldn’t rush into painting a brickwork right after the installation has been completed, but wait for at least a month before kicking off with the next step. In a month, your brand-new brick wall will settle and be able to hold on to the paint in the long run.

Clean the surface

Stains, debris, and powder residue will stay trapped over the brickwork; that’s why you should clean your canvas before painting. You don’t want to paint over dust and sand; that will compromise the painting job. Give your brick wall a thorough clean-up with the power washer to eliminate any grime stuck to the surface. However, ensure you don’t apply lots of pressure with the washer. Otherwise, you might cause damage to the brickwork. When you are done cleaning, you should wait for the wall to dry completely before applying the paint. Before painting, you might also want to investigate the surface for possible cracks or missing mortar and fix the faulty areas.

Pick the right primer

Another task you should address before painting a brick exterior is to purchase and apply the right kind of primer. Don’t forget that using a primer before painting a brick surface is a must, as the product fills unwanted crannies, allowing the paint to adhere much better. When shopping for a primer, remember that you can benefit from a product specially made for brickwork. This type of primer is a bit thinner than other solutions on the market, allowing it to penetrate a brick surface easily. Before purchasing a primer, you should also consider the type of paint you are about to apply. If you have picked latex paint, then get a water-based primer. If you have chosen an oil-based kind of paint, an oil-based primer is a way to go.

Invest in quality tools

While any painting job can benefit from decent tools, when painting over a surface as rough as bricks, utilising the best quality equipment is key. To paint a brickwork like a pro, get yourself a brand-new brush with synthetic bristles and don’t be afraid to overspend. If you have an airless paint sprayer, you can use it to get the painting job done. Yet once you are done painting, go over the brick wall with a damp roller to help the primer penetrate the bricks.

Get to know your paint

the type of paint you will select for your brickwork matters a lot, as different kinds of paint come with different advantages and downsides you should be aware of. There is no right or wrong here – you are hardly likely to make a mistake with your choice. Homeowners typically opt for latex paint for their exterior brickwork, as it dries quickly and is simple to keep clean. Oil-based paint usually takes more time to dry, but it is more resistant to wear and tear.


Now that you know all the essential aspects of successfully painting a brick exterior, you can gather your tools and materials and paint over the brick wall like a true expert.


© Evto Bricks Restoration


5 Steps to Choosing the Best Brick Repair Company for Your Needs

Have you noticed that the brick masonry on your building looks a little tired, or even damaged? Doing some inspections may reveal this to be true, and it is up to you to take the necessary steps to ensure that the problem is looked at. Normally, this means employing the right company for the task. 

Brick repair and pointing are not simple tasks. While you may try to deal with them as part of a DIY project, you may end up doing a sub-par job, which means more trouble in the future. There are many companies in London you can turn to for help. But having so many choices also means that you should be careful not to enlist a company that will do a poor job. It is important to have the right experts for such a task. To help you out, we have compiled a few tips that will lead you to the right company. 

1. Consult with your neighbours and friends

One of the best ways to get the appropriate service on your side is to hire the same company that some of your neighbours or friends have used. If they found that the company did a good job for them, the chances are that you too can take advantage of the same service. Whenever you decide you are going to use a brick repair company for your property, ask your neighbours and friends around. Perhaps they will point you to the right company and save you a lot of time and effort on research. 

2. You should check online

The Internet is an irreplaceable fountain of information on brick repair companies. After a simple search, you will be able to find a few companies that deal with the service you are after. You can even check what their clients think, but take every review you read with a grain of salt. At the very least, you will be able to find out more about the company, to make a more informed decision. 

3. Find out what services the company provides

As you search through the recommendations, it is important to keep an eye on the service portfolio. Perhaps you need brick pointing, which is a more specific service and only a handful of companies offer such. In any case, it is up to you to find out exactly what the company provides and make sure that it is what you are after. 

4. Get an estimate from a few companies

Once you have found a few brick repair companies, it is a good idea to ask for an estimate from them. That way, you will get a clear idea of how much you will need to pay to get the job done. Some companies might even include an estimate for additional services, such as brick cleaning. At this point, you must be clear on the expenses and what the service covers. Keep in mind that an accurate estimate is a good thing because it shows the company is dedicated. 

5. How much experience do they have?

Last, but not least, it is important to check how long the company has been in business. While an emerging company may offer better rates, do you really want to leave such an important task in the hands of inexperienced workers? It is best to hire an established company, which will do the job to a decent standard. 

Knowing how to hire a brick contractor for your repairs is essential for keeping this particular part of your property in good condition. 

© Evto Bricks Restoration Ltd

5 Tips for Cleaning Brick and Mortar Walls


If you love the way your brick house looks, you better invest some time to ensure the material looks its best. Bricks possess this timeless look, but even this durable material falls prey to stains and other unsightly messes. As the years go by, grime, dust and moss start to take their toll on the exterior walls/fences, turning the material from a beautiful one to a rather unsightly one. 


The way to address this is by cleaning the material. A sponge works well, though it will take you some time to scrub the affected areas. A pressure washer is also a good option. In this article, you will find a few tips to restore brickwork to its former glory. 


Do some patchwork 


It is a good idea to inspect the brick wall sometime before you schedule cleaning. Look for damaged mortar joints between individual bricks. You will need to patch those areas, since applying moisture to them could further deepen the damage. Patching should be done a good seven days before cleaning. The reason is simple: it allows the patching material to harden, minimising the risk of water seeping behind the cracks, which may lead to mould. 


And while you may lack the required expertise to do this task, it is a necessary step. That is why you may want to consider professional assistance. The experts will not just deal with this issue for you, but also check for any other present problems. It may well turn out that cleaning is the least of your troubles. 


Saturate the brick surfaces with water


When the time to clean comes, you first need to saturate the surface with water. Give it a good soak and before you bust out any cleaning detergents. That way you will prepare it for a good clean. When using a jet washer, it is always a good idea to start from the bottom and work your way to the top of the brick surface. That way water will not run down in uneven streams and will help you achieve an overall good result. 


Apply some detergent


Before you pick a cleaning detergent, make sure it is formulated for brick surfaces. If you use some inappropriate detergent, there is the danger of even more dirt sticking to the mortar. Once you have the right solution, apply it to the brick from top to bottom. Don’t be too quick to clean it off. Allow 5 – 10 minutes for it to work. Remember to apply less pressure from the washer. If need be, apply more detergent. The soap will loosen up the dirt and help remove it from the brick. 


Brush the tougher stains


For those areas that are extra dirty or stained, you will need the aid of a scrub brush. This tool is less abrasive than other brushes and water at very high pressure. It will clean the area by working the detergent into the brick, helping to break the tough stains. Typical examples for using the scrub brush to great effectiveness include: grass, grease and sometimes tree sap are all in the category of difficult stains. To loosen them, you should use a powerful enough detergent and some scrubbing with your brush. 


Rinse the area well 


Spray the area to remove the detergent, once it has done its job. Remember only to spray delicately, because too strong of a jet can damage the mortar. Start from the top and move slowly to ensure all the detergent is washed away. This will guarantee the dirt is easily removed. 


Following all of these tips is a guarantee for a clean brick surface. Try them out, and you will see. 


© Evto Bricks Restoration Ltd